Chanhassen, MN
Home Menu2022 City of Chanhassen Facilities Study
City buildings are significant assets to the city and are integral to delivering services to the public. In conformance with our Strategic Plan priorities of Financial Sustainability, Asset Management, Development/Redevelopment, and Operations Excellence, the city completed a Faculties Study.
The study was started in August of 2021. The city engaged a consultant team, consisting of an architectural firm and a general contractor, to provide an assessment of certain facilities, review future needs, develop concepts and costs for various improvement options, and summarize the information in a final study document. The city-owned facilities reviewed as part of the study included City Hall, Fire Station #1, Fire Station #2, the Recreation Center, and Old Village Hall. Other city facilities, such as the Public Works Building, Library, and Water Treatment Plants, were not part of the study due to their relatively newer construction.
The study was broken down into an assessment phase and a planning phase. The assessment phase resulted in preparing a detailed deferred maintenance list with priorities and rough costs to establish future funding needs. The planning phase reviewed the facilities' space, efficiency, and operational characteristics to determine potential improvements.
The study document is merely a planning tool and does not commit the city to any specific recommendation, project program, or funding. The study was completed in June of 2022 and provides potential future planning scenarios for these facilities.